Awareness tshirts- another way of showing that you care - Carrazeel

Awareness tshirts- another way of showing that you care

Awareness tshirts

Awareness tshirts are a great manner of expressing ourselves. To be aware, in nowadays society, is equal to social evolution. A full grown-up person. Either you or a loved one, have experienced suffering, it takes wisdom to walk in one`s shoes.

You see, people, communities and nations are at different stages of psychological development. Each stage of development has different needs and therefore different value priorities. As the needs of people are met at one stage, they naturally evolve to the next stage. Finally, if their needs are not met, they will not advance: they may even regress. Awareness is to create a world where everyone can thrive. It may sound like a utopia, but we do believe in a better world. Above all, we just have to care! The change is not outside, is within every single one of us!

Awareness tshirts
Awareness tshirts

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